Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Nursing in Australia - a health hazard for staff

So, you want to be a nurse. You go to University and pay through the nose to do a course that is so worthless, credits are hard to find in another course to get out. Then you go to work in the 'system'. You meet doctors that have not even a sound knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and you soon find out that the laws are structured so that if anything goes wrong, the Registered Nurse is responsible. YOU are on the spot. You have the option of going along and keeping your mouth shut and doctoring reports (this makes it impossible for patients and relatives to get a court action going) lying barefaced to investigators, getting a promotion then because you have proved that you are 'one of the crowd' and spending your life KNOWING that you are not the person you should be or wanted to be. Being the person you want to be means finding the courage to be brave and protect others. You are your brothers keeper.
A psychiatrist told me that when he came to Australia, he had to 'do his time' in a New South Wales Mental Institution - I will not dignify it with the use of hospital. He knew that the nurses were bashing and drugging patients and sticking together to cover it up. There was another trainee psychiatrist. HE belived in the care of patients and standing up for them, doing the right thing etc. The nurses, if they liked you, did not call you out all night. They let you get sleep between shifts. They also did not put in false statements againt you which could ruin a career. They did not like the 2nd psychiatrist becasue he was a good person. So they called him out all night long for trivial matters. Mad sure he had not sleep. Made his life hell. Becasue he was a good doctor and they had to get rid of him. The first doctor knew what was happening but put his career first and kept his mouth shut. I do not know what happened to the good doctor. Died from exhaustion or had his career stopped by false claims.
The point is - is the doctor who did not stand up for the patients, the one who put his career first, the coward - is he your father, brother, uncle or worse, is he your doctor. Perhaps you wonder why you are not getting well - bottom line, years ago he put money before integrity and will do that for the rest of his life. He is always now at the mercy of bad and rogue nurses because they KNOW his measure. He is a prisoner of badness and lack of courage. What do you think of him? Would you do that?


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